Jamaica Olympic Ice Hockey

Did You Know? Mary Jane Seacole née Grant was Scottish

Did you know that Mary Jane Seacole née Grant was a Jamaican woman of Scottish and Creole descent who set up a “British Hotel” (hospital) behind the lines during the […]
National Hockey League – Color of Hockey: Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Lebanon raising profile in game

Image source: NHL.com A blog article written by William Douglas on the National Hockey League website, highlighting a new league formed by Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Lebanon have formed a […]
Jamaica Culture Alliance – Social Meetup

Recently, some Board members and volunteers of the Jamaica Cultural Alliance (JCA) met for lunch at Janga by Derrick’s Jamaican Cuisine in Culver City. The luncheon was to show appreciation to […]
TheGuardian – A historic revolt, a forgotten hero, an empty plinth: is there a right way to remember slavery?

Image reference: The Guardian – here Reference to the article posted in TheGuardian.com https://www.theguardian.com/news/2024/mar/26/historic-revolt-forgotten-hero-empty-plinth-jamaica-slavery-chief-tacky A detail focus on the historical revolt and weather or not we’ve forgotten about the challenges […]
L.A.’s Black immigrants reframe cultural narratives and reclaim their stories.

L.A.’s Black immigrants reframe cultural narratives and reclaim their stories The Jamaica Cultural Alliance (JCA) recently gained recognition in an article that delved into the diverse and profound impact of […]
Nanny Leader of the Jamaican Maroons

PLACE OF BIRTH: Ghana DATE OF BIRTH: circa 1600 ALIAS: Granny Nanny DATE OF DEATH: circa 1740’s Nanny was a leader of the Maroons at the beginning of the 18th […]
A historic revolt, a forgotten hero, an empty plinth: is there a right way to remember slavery?

Let’s get something straight,” the politician told me, “we are now owning you.” Though this was meant as a warm welcome, hearing it from an eminent state official made me […]