Jamaica Cultural Alliance

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Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

The mission of the Jamaica Cultural Alliance is to promote the best of Jamaica, its people and their multifaceted lifestyles, in order to clarify and enhance the image of Jamaica and the Caribbean at large.



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Vision Statement

JCA exists to maximize cultural exchange between Jamaica and the US. Strategically, Los Angeles has been chosen as the venue in which to initiate alliance efforts with Jamaica because strong correlations exist between the Californian and Jamaican physical environments, demographics, and diverse populations. For example, the motto for Jamaicans is “Out of many one people.” As printed on the Jamaican monetary medium of exchange, it indicates the successful and harmonious blending of many ethnicities and cultures into one. U.S. currency also proudly displays “EPLURIBUS UNUM” which means “Out of many, one.” Even the Los Angeles slogan “Together, we’re the best – LA” expresses this sentiment but actualizing the concept presents a daily challenge for us all. JCA envisions tremendous opportunities for establishing numerous ongoing and productive inter-cultural alliances. Schools, cultural and art organizations, in both Jamaica and Los Angeles, will be afforded greater growth advantages and increased outlets of expression.

Our History

The founders of JCA reside on the West Coast in Los Angeles. They came together because individually each had become concerned with the lack of local outlets for Jamaican arts and culture. They perceived Californians as having a stereotyped and often incomplete or inaccurate perception of Jamaica and its people, and although the Jamaican Tourist Board and other organizations continue to effectively promote this small but dynamic country, until now these efforts have been largely concentrated on the East Coast and directed toward markets that were closer to Jamaica.

JCA affirms that it is time the image of Jamaica and Jamaicans be expanded in depth and breadth.

The JCA objective is to galvanize the Jamaican nationals in Los Angeles, along with other residents and communities, in order to create a conduit of cultural exchange and a platform for positive expression. In order to accomplish this task, JCA’s activities focus on four strategic areas of development; I Education and Literature; II Performing Arts and Music; III Visual Arts & Technology; IV Heritage and Resource Development.

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“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth”
Muhammad Ali